Thursday, April 29, 2010


Mercy Care centre has received 441 pairs of shoes to be distributed to the needy children when they return to school after the holiday.The shoes of all sizes were kindly donated through feed the children programme.
Our God is good and always faithful to the just cause.The shoes are donated to us when we have heavy rains and floods at the moment.They will come in handy.Beside the children will at least have some shoes on during the week end.
This in addition to the warm lunch they receive on saturday and holiday.Ifeel deeply the words of Jesus christ--------Paraphased"let the little children come to me for the kingdom of God belongs to them"------------.It is in humble submission that i say to you all who make this possible and follow an example of christ.May the lord's favour be upon you.


Anonymous said...

Thanks to those who have a relationship with Feed The Children and make things like this happen.

Theater Studies said...

Patrick, I love these updates. Our excitement is building for our June trip! Can't wait to see you and the teachers and children! Love, Miriam Sauls

Anonymous said...

It is so special to be updated about "our children." Patrick, you do such a great job with the blog as well as everything else. Being an MCC board member, we get to know a little more than most, just how much you do and what a difference you and your efforts are making for each child as well as the world. We pray for you, the teachers and the children that MCC continues to be blessed by God's love and the love & gifts from others! Thank you, thank you,

Anonymous said...

What beautiful shoes and so practical for the valley! Love to all! Mama Carroll

Anonymous said...

It is always refreshing to visit "News from MCC," to see faithful people at work and how faithful is our God! We rejoice with you in the provision of means to secure abundant, clean water and in the gift of new shoes!
Grace and Peace,
Steve McNeely & Peakland Baptist Church said...

I think what it really requires is an online business model other than selling ads. Until someone finds a different viable way to make money, this is what we're stuck with.