Friday, February 26, 2010


Mercy Care Centre secondary school T-shirts that are being used for games.The school is getting more popular by the day.The girls were dressed up for games


After going through 460 applicants,the teachers came up with a list of 64 students that are deserving cases to join Mercy care centre.
Apart from having competitive marks,they had to undergo English proficiency test as most of the subjects are examined in English.This idea was borrowed from Ken and Dianne Phillis(from St.Michael secondary school in kilolo Tanzania.Ken and Dianne thank you for sharing this.We believe if natured properly,the students are capable of producing competitive grades in future.In addition they went through one week of orientation to ensure that they understand the tradition of Mercy Care Centre.We wish them well.


The Primary school pupils at the soccer and netball competion.The boys won their soccer match on penalties.
The boys team will now proceed to play at the District level.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


It was a rehersal that befitted the actors.They acted as if they were at the main competition.The play is a fusion of the corrupt public servants and the role of christianity in such roles.
On Friday 26th the actors will travel approximately seventy kilometres from MCC to compete other high schools in Nairobi.We wish them well


Since the inception of the school Dispensary,mant students are now assured of being attended too whenever they have minor ailments.The nurse Catherine works very hard to attend to the fifty plus students that visit her room.
We also wish to thank all those that make it possible by availing the various medicines.


The Principal's office is embrassing technology all round.Watch out for better service and proper records.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Wynne Brown,a representative of Mercy Care Centre Foundation from the USA.Cracking his brain to ensure that the needy children from the slums of Mathare Valley who attend school in MCC are well taken care of.Wynne is on a two week working session to collect all the more important logistics for informed decisions in future.Talk of Christians being out there and doing the work other than mere words!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


The students are having their Mid-term break as from Thursday.We use this opportunity to give teachers time to prepare to face the rest of the term and also evaluate the work they have already done.

In addition,the teachers have time to catch up with their families.However,the majority of the students stay around school as it has become like their main home.We do also strive to ensure that we do not cut the lunch program that they are used too.

Upon returning to school on Monday,they will take part in Drama competition .We all hope that they will do well.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


There is not enough playing field at our school compound.As such due to the kind heart of the Rotary Club,our students continue to enjoy the facilities at Kenya Commercial Bank playing field.
Thank you for being part of the enjoyment that the needy children have.


The new term began on 7th January and we are already in the middle of the term.
We have 462 students at Primary level and 220 students at the high school.This gives us a total of 682 students in MCC.Due to the heavy pressure of work,we have anew Secretary at the high school who also assists in teaching computers.
This term the school will participate in Drama Festival and the students are at it.The Primary will participate in their favorite category-Drama dance.Their theme evolves around conservation of the environment.
The high school has a play depicting a corrupt society and the consequences.We hope for them to do well.
For the first time the school will be offering students for "O" level examinations as from October.We have thirty eight in form four.