Thursday, July 31, 2008



Anonymous said...

Patrick, Teachers and Children of the MCC: We praise God for all the wonderful things that each of you are doing. We are praying for each of you and ask God to conintue to bless you each and every day.

We will keep in touch.

With our love and God's promised blessings to you.

The Greenes in NC
Bwana Lee Ray, Mama Beth, Dada Lydia and Sarah in Poland

Anonymous said...

Patrick: Just wanted you to know that we have a group of folks who will be praying for you, the teachers and the children as they perform at the National Choir Competition on August 5 - 9th.

We know it will be a joyous time and we pray that all will go well each step of the way.

We are pulling for you.

God's Blessings and our Love,
The Greenes in NC
Bwana Lee Ray, Mama Beth, Dada Lydia and Sarah in Poland