Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The news from the late is that the temperature is very high during the day and gets more warmer during the night.
Children continue to be delighted in what they are doing.
Today we had three items
1.Girls set piece- 87 marks- second position

2.Negro spiritual - 87 marks- Second position(Mary had a Child)

3. sacred song---- 84 marks-Fourth position(King Of kings)

Tomorrow we have four pieces-solo song,trio,American folk dance,own composition-virginity is power.Continue praying for better result.


Tembo said...

MCC Sudents,
Congratulations for a job well done. The obstacles that you have all overcome to arrive at this point is miraculous. You should be proud and be assured that we are very proud to let us associate with us.

Bethany Butcher said...

WONDERFUL JOB! You make us all so proud with your hard work and determination. Hold your heads high and enjoy the success of your hard work! We are singiing your praises here in Virginia!
Can't wait to hear the results from the other events.

Anonymous said...

MCC students! Don't be dissappointed-second in nationals is great! We are so proud of you. Stay healthy and safe and enjoy each others fellowship. We love and pray for you daily. Mungu akabariki! Mama Carroll