The school went on recess on Wednesday and Thursday 30 and 31 respectively.Wednesday was preserved for secondary school and Thursday was preserved for primary school.This was to give the Principal ample time to address both assemblies and also get to meet the parents from both schools.Of late they seem very much to want to sake the Principal's hand and inquire about one or two things and if you keenly listen you will realise that it is the same thing they are talking of -wanting help from the school.
I must say that both assemblies were well organised and attended to. As the students walked away,you could see a sense of fulfillment in them.
The closing time for both the schools was not consistent with the time the government had set.We did this to have enough time to prepare to go to Kisumu for the National Music festival.
At the same time we received a French journalist who came to visit and found the school very interesting.He is a Free lance journalist and promised to try and run an article in the paper about Mercy Care centre.
Some boys had the opportunity of showing their Art work based on what they had learned in their science lessons.This was very good show bearing in mind that they were reinforcing what they had learned in class.
We all look forward to the Music festival and another fresh term.
I am excited at the people who are finding their way to MCC. God is showing them the way to MCC and I hope they share with others the hope and wonderful work that is being done at MCC. Did the French teach any French when he was in the classes? If I remember MCC was in need of a French teacher.
Thank you for all you are doing!
Nice going Patrick. As always I am sure your interview went well.
Hope the French connection comes through and get you get some letters with support from it.
Patrick what type of art work were the people showing. We sure have students with lots of talents at the school. Congratulate them all.
Also, remember that no one can do it all! You have lots of support and it is growing.
Thank you all for takin time to read the blog and post comments.I am very nuch encouraged by that.
love you all
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