Thursday, February 25, 2010


Since the inception of the school Dispensary,mant students are now assured of being attended too whenever they have minor ailments.The nurse Catherine works very hard to attend to the fifty plus students that visit her room.
We also wish to thank all those that make it possible by availing the various medicines.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Catherine is one of MCC's best assets. She knows the students and they love her. Most of the time there is a line at the clinic. She knows how to speak too the physical, emotional, spiritual, etc. needs of the students, teachers and people in the local community. I SOMETIMES HAVE TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO TALK WITH HER. She also teaches a course in religion at MCC. She attends the field days and exercised herself and enters games the students but always things available for cuts and scrapes, etc. She works long hours and always serown