Every end of the term,parents are given an opportunity to discuss the progress of their children in class.This is done one on one basis as they receive the report forms.Apart from that parents are also advised on how they can be able to help their children achieve better education standards and good discipline.Parents do also have an opportunity to express their sentiments on the ups and downs of the school.It is through such sentiments that we are able to improve how we run the school so that it conforms to the needs of the community.We have found these sessions so fulfilling and eye openers.
Parents have also use this sessions to send their love and heart felt gratitude to those who help their children attain education.
1 comment:
We have Parent Teacher meetings a few times a year here and find that they really open doors for communication and strength the trust parents have in teachers. The parents are lucky to have their children under the instruction of such gifted teachers.
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