During the cultural day we took time to display the trophies we won at the National level to the parents.To have a taste of the sweet victory we had a cake baked for the occasion.The parents were so touched by this success that they had only words of praise for the school.
As the year comes to an end,we pray that the lord shall tarry again in the new year to shower us with even more blessings as we reach out to minister to the needy in society.The Principal also took time to tell the parents of the wonderful trip he had in America.Natuarally most of them believed that i had met the President Designate-Barrack Obama.
What a wonderful celebration for the school. Taking time at the end of the year to reflect on the successes of the school and celebrate as a community. Each day is a success for the children MCC touches, but taking the time to acknowledge them is so important.
WOW....what beautiful reminders of all your hard work--teachers and students alike--and if God's faithfulness to His servants !
the CAKE looked fabulous, too!
Congratulations to one and all.
Susan Lane
i do apologize for not proof-reading! what a bad example for the students!
i should have written OF God's faithfulness!!!!
Sounds like you had a wonderful celebration. Congratulations to everyone. Trust you took time out to remember your founders,Dorna and Gilbert, too. We thank God for the amazing growth and impact we see at MCC.
Carla and Phil
I am sure the parents appreciated being included in the final celebration and I know they enjoyed the cake.Obama has been invited to Peakland-who knows!Keep up the good work! Our prayers are with you daily! Love and blessings, Carroll
As we enter into our time of Thanksgiving in the U.S., I give thanks to God for the good work and exceptional achievement of the staff and students of Mercy Care! The trophies serve as a tangible testimony of the intangible and everlasting fruit of your ministry together. I count it a profound honor and an abiding blessing to be a collaborator with you. May God continue to whisper his vision into your ear and inspire your spirit with the breath of his indwelling presence. May the Lord continue to bless you and to bless others through you!
Steve and Peakland Baptist Church
I'm so excited to hear news of the students. I LOVE knowing that they WANT to do well. What a blessing to those who teach.
The parents have to feel a warming in their hearts when they see how well everything is going for them at school.
Patrick, it was so great to finally meet YOU. YOU are much better to me than President-Elect Obama!!!
Praying for you and the school.
Carol B.
Best wishes to all for a job well done both staff and students.. Looks like MCC might need a trophy case in the near future.
Congrats on the awards and the successful celebration. Y'all have worked hard and deserve the accolades (nice trophies!). What a delicious looking cake too!
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