Since the introduction of Tennis in the school, the game has gain a lot of fame among the students.We have 11 rackets and 98 tennis balls.The students have found it quite enjoyable that they would not miss a day.In our report we had said that we have six rackets but we have 11.Soon when we have got the right field,we will be able to couch various skills and introduce the rules of Tennis.
One of the most interesting thing is to see the secondary school take keen interest in sports.This helps them a great deal.
Hello Mr. Patrick. The Greene Family from North Carolina , USA here. We are so excited about all the wonderful things which are happening with the MCC. What a blessing to read your blog. We will continue to pray for our students also. Everyone looks great and so does the school and we all love tennis.
We are also excited about having you in America soon. We know the African Dinner will be wonderful and we are especially excited about your visit to our church in the Mountains of North Carolina.
Know that you will continue to be in our prayers during these days at the school as well as your travels.
We praise God for all that He is doing through you and the teachers and staff of the MCC.
Please give our love and best wishes to the students and teachers and Pamala as well.
With Love,
The Greenes
Lee Ray, Beth, Lydia in North Carolina and Sarah in Poland, UK
Dear Patrick !!!
it is so gratifying to read (and see) all the continued good work which is happening at MCC. God is indeed good and He is clearly watching over all the teachers and students as ALL of you work so diligently in the Valley.
our prayers are with the teachers as they approach their day of prayer and the certification tests.....and with the students in november who will be tested then. may the peace of God be upon you all as you prepare...and achieve !!
i continue to remember such a wonderful time we all spent with you. a special "hello" to my friend Leah !
hugs and blessings on everyone,
susan lane
Thanks for your work with tennis. I am sure that when you are in the US Toni will work with you some and introduce you to those who helped furnish the equiptment. It will be a new experience for you. Who knows maybe tennis courts are in the future at MCC in Mathare and at the vocational school/recreational center.
Hi Patrick and gorgeous MCC staff and students!! I am so happy to be on holidays now and have time to read through your blog and see all the amazing photos. Especially touched to see the library and hear about the tennis!!
Have the posters I sent from South Africa arrived yet?? I do hope to see photos of them up on the walls on the Standard 2 room and the staff room!
Keeping you all in my prayers every day and hoping that the staff are refreshed from the break and that the exams go well. Now I'm on hols I can get to some of those jobs i want to do for you!! Also, my school (MCC Chatswood) loved the 2 talks i gave (1 for staff and 1 for the whole school assesmbly) that i'm sure there'll be some more support coming youir way soon!!
love you all lots,
Clare Dorey
hey :)
awesome to see the enthusiasm for tennis! Loved the pictures! It's so good to be able to get regular updates with pictures and see all the kids i recognise; makes me happy :)
Hope everything is going well for preparing for america!
Hi Patrick, Greetings Lynchburg and E.C. Glass. We are working on our pen pal program and our Christmas package for MCC. We want to send a card to every child and teacher. We also plan to wire funds for a special meal & celebration. I will let you know an exact amount by the time we send the package. If you have a complete list of students and teachers that would be helpful. I would also like to know what mailing address is the best to use. We plan to mail around December 1st. Do you think that gives us enough time to make sure the package arrives on time. I think we will include ballons and bookmarks for every child if you think that is an appropriate small gift.
Your spirit and the spirit of Mercy Care is still with us. I am in awe of all your accomplished on your visit!
With warm regards--Patty
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